
What is It Like to be a Bat Thomas Nagel 1974 ( Moral Questions 1974 )

 I got in a car trash :( https://www.tiktok.com/@geddyfkrooger/video/6899148087583886594?lang=en 


Qualia is the subjective experience of things in the world, a perspective that each person has ( as long as they are not a brain eating zombie )... The subjective perspective of a person is that of a Bat, a mammal, similar to the human being, a bat is a mammal and therefore has subjective experience similar to a house-pet. The bat functions biologically, the neurobiology of a bat, is unique through the subsistence of sonar frequency or echo location. They have a unique quality in their brain that detects distances, textures, the consistency of objects that humans do not have. Some bats are are blind and therefore completely reliant on sonar. 

How the bat works, 'Quaila' is the subjective experience of things in the world. Each and every person has this. What Thomas Megal 1974 says that it is impossible to explain the subjective experience of the person is. He says that the bat is a mammal and that it is similar to the person. One thing that we can not explain, is what it is like to be a bat. We can not explain the 'Qualia' of a bat,  for example, how does the bat see the world through sonar. 

The only answer can come from the subjective experience itself, we cannot talk about about the bats, similar to martians, likewise they will never explain what it is like to be human. 

People are insane and they see the world very differently and experience it very differently. What does and does not have a consciousness ? 

Thomas Nagel says we cannot explain this so therefore we leave it.

Nagel, What is it Like to be a Bat ( 1974 ) ( Moral Questions ) 

Jackson, What Merry did not Know ? ( 1986 ) ( The Knowledge Argument ) 

Merry is a girl, she was born and someone put her in a room that only has black and white colours. She has only ever seen black and white colours, Merry has access to infinite access to knowledge, and develops an understanding to the psychology of people. She has developed the understanding of " what it is like to see a red tomato "- the knowledge argument. The physicalists, the physical explanations, we believe that Merry knows everything that she needs to know about the red tomato. One day she escapes the black and white room, and she sees the red tomato. She learns again though, something new ( Qualia ) the experience of Seeing The Red Tomato. At this moment she escapes and sees something new in actuality. 

Science, Physics, Psychology, Philosophy etc is unexplainable and the only way to actually understand something is to experience it. If a person is born deaf, how does a trumpet sound ? The deaf person may reference extrapolants, references to what the deaf person understands the trumpet to represent and understand then they cannot truly explain it. 

Conscious experience cannot be explained through knowledge that is conscious knowledge. 

When you experience something, you learn something new. 

You cannot explain it. You can read many books although unless you try it, you cannot experience it ( therefore the philosophical zombie ). 

You can explain what consciousness is, as the philosophical approach to modern theory. Some examples are the

HOP Theory, Higher - Order - Perception Theory( Armstrong 1984 )

HOT Theory, Higher - Order - Thought Theory of Consciousness ( Rosenthal 1997 ) 

Same Order Approach ( Byrne, 2004)

What does it mean to be conscious, the brain is or is not functioning. FMRI, for example shows where in the brain the consciousness is. The hard problem of consciousness in analytic philosophy ( North American or non- continental Philosophy ). Causal properties and the properties of consciousness. There are levels of consciousness and this is what describes consciousness. 

Minimal consciousness, in order to understand what minimal consciousness is. The unconscious person is is the hypothesized state ( ex. sleeping, anesthetics, ect ) some things still go on in the brain. If the subject is unconsciousness, we would still say that this person still has a state of mental activity. The mind still has knowledge or memories. The intuitive example, 2 people are both unconsciousness. Both have their own mental states ( individualistically ). They are similar in the way that they both have no mental activity in their minds, although they still both maintain mental states as thinking thoughts, in differentiation to a non-mental state is that of the unconsciousness. 

The same way that the moment in the computer is paused, the computer is in-between mental states. There is no functioning order and no capacity to move without neurological command. In between these moments there is no active activity or command from the user. Minimal consciousness is that example where there is minimal activity, all of the mental states are inactive aside from one state that is active. Minimal consciousness is one state activated ( aside from no mental activities which would be the complete unconsciousness ). There were no mental states, and no mental activity.  

The unconscious subject has mental states. The mental states are what Armstrong calls "Casually Quiescent", in where they are casually inactive and do not work, this is minimal consciousness. 

Perceptual consciousness, the senses and perception to the cognitive are working. The individual understands the bodily functions and the world around them. The physical being in time and space and the ability to sense what is going on. In the dream we do not sense the world in its relation to our body, although in perceptual consciousness we do. The alarm for example is the barrier to the conscious and the unconscious in perception where we perceive something from the outside world. The incorporation of sleep and consciousness is ended through perception of the body in the physical environment. 

Perceptual consciousness resuscitates minimal consciousness ( but not the other way around ). When we perceive things visually, we see and understand things physically. They are hard wired in the mental state to enable comprehension through consciousness. The unconscious subject in the coma does not have 'perceptual consciousness'. The subject has 'minimal consciousness' and sometimes 'perceptual consciousness' if they are able to perceive the surrounding environment or their body ( different levels of consciousness through a coma ). We have to have minimal consciousness in order to have perceptual consciousness. We need to have the mind active in perception. 

The introspective consciousness, by Armstrong, is lost and then regained. Introspective consciousness is consciousness of perceptions and mental states that we have in the mind. Mental activity is the consciousness of these two levels. 

The truck driver has minimal consciousness, and little mental activity. The perception of the road, the investment of pressure on the wheel, the surroundings and the perception of what is going on around the subject. The operation of the mind to recognize signs, the recognition of the signs in order to be able to drive. The perception of consciousness is necessary to understand how to drive the car due to the variables in question and the perception of consciousness is necessary to drive. The combination of these levels of perception are necessary to drive including introspective consciousness. 

When we are conscious of being perceptive we have introspective consciousnesses via working and inactive. Minimal Consciousness ( is memory and knowledge ), the Perceptive Level ( is conscious of the minimal level through sensors) and then the Introspective Level ( the understanding of both perceptive and minimal combinations of consciousness in order to function). These three levels of consciousness, access to function through relations are complete consciousness, according to Armstrong. 

The automobile has both Minimal and Perspective consciousnesses but not the Introspective Consciousness which is why the car cannot drive itself. Qualia would be the combined structure of three levels that becomes the manifestation of itself. The zombie has the minimal perception, of both Minimal and Perspective consciousness although it has no Introspective Consciousness. 

Reflex Introspective Awareness where the subject is always highly consciousness, and is always observing mental states and perception. Through consciousness, perception is never completely without consciousness. 

There is another level which is Introspection Proper, when you think about your ideas. The introspective level of thinking is Introspective Proper, developed by Rosenthal A theory of consciousness ( 1997) where the subject is self conscious. The subject scrutinizes the environment for some purpose and critiques the mental states. The subject of Introspection Proper is the introspective awareness of introspection awareness. 

The comprehension of pain through the neural receptors is only after the subject has the perception of pain on the preceptive level on the bodily level which is the Perception Level of Introspective consciousness. 

The introspection of the introspective level is the perception of bodily or emotive pain. The awareness of pain, is the awareness of the individuals understanding of pain ( eg. headache ). 

The self, is the introspective level according to Armstrong. The things according to self, is that the self is the construction. The self is the major entity is the core of humanity. 

The self integrates a progression of sequence in points of time. 

Integration of senses that becomes the unity of self. Integration to a single continuing theory ( eg a computer administrating computers allowing for intricacy), the administration of the integrating parallels processes and the event memory. 

Introspection consciousness is completely in charge of memory, eg the individual driving the automobile, wherein the individual wakes up from autopilot. The individual does not remember what the road looks like, what the individual saw is all automated. The introspective consciousness of events enabled us to write our own life stories. It not only controls the resources, it enables us to restore memory. It is the condition to the personality and how we see the world and how we experience different things.   

Introspective self, creates the self when you look at the outcome of Armstrongs work.

For the unity of mental processes we need to to administrate minimal activity, the system is interdependent. The relation between introspective, perceptive and minimal consciousness are symbiotic.